Simple Tarot Spreads for Revelations about your Career

Tarot Spreads to use in difficult career moments

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Whenever you could need some insights into very difficult career moments, Tarot Cards can provide a good tool. If you ask the right questions, use the right spreads and the right cards, the insight you gain is tremendous. When it comes to Tarot Readings about career, love or life a simple Yes/No reading might do for easily solved issues. Maybe your stuck between choices you equally want or ideas you just can pick from. But sometimes the questions you need revelations or insight into, may not be as straight forward as a Yes or No answer. In such a situation you can use Tarot Card spreads specifically made for that type of problem. For example, in a Love dilemma one could use a Love Tarot Reading, and based on the situation, you can ask the right questions. Check out or own Love Tarot Reading here. 

Which part of the Tarot Card deck to use to gain insight into your life?

Similarly when trying to gain insight in some of your career related dilemma’s asking the questions you want insight into, is merely the easiest task. Depending on the situation you may or may not have to use the entire Tarot Deck, sometimes using only the Major Arcana or only the Minor Arcana will suffice. Let’s dive deeper into why we use a specific part of the deck or the entire deck. In a specific love situation you may only need to use the Major Arcana, this may be because the Major Arcana cover life in essence and the various stages through life. The Major Arcana also tell us about what our future beholds, what our present wants us to know and the lessons we should learn form our past.

Will you work your Dream Job in the future?

This spread can be used to try to find out if you’ll get the dream job you’ve been longing for. The reason for only using the Major Arcana lies in the fact that this Tarot reading, is very forward looking. The Major Arcana can also provide directions in terms of behavioral or emotional adjustments. For example the Major Arcana card: the Emperor represents power, stability and conviction. All of these keywords could give you insight  into your career, it just depends on how you interpret them.

  • Which cards to use: Only the Major Arcana
  • Shuffle the deck; pick a card; place it face down and assign a question
  • Card 1: What steps should you follow to come closer to your future job?
  • Card 2: What skills and knowledge should you better in order to come closer to your dream job?
  • Card 3: Who and what should you get closer to, in order to better your chances?
  • Card 4: How hard do you have to work in order to get this job?
  • Card 5: How soon will you get an offer?
  • When to use this spread: whenever you feel like embarking on a new journey

Will you be successful in your new position?

It may be overwhelming to step out of your comfortzone and throw yourself into in a new company, environment or position. You may feel irregular or just not very sure about what you should expect, which makes it harder to predict how good you’ll do. This spread uses 4 questions to get a grip on your new situation, so you can better understand what lies ahead of you.

  • Which cards to use: the entire deck
  • Shuffle the deck; pick a card; place it face down and assign a question
  • Card 1: What can you take from your previous work experience to help you succeed in your new position (e.g. your perseverance or sense of coordination)?
  • Card 2: Why did you choose to embark on this new journey?
  • Card 3: What positive tweaks should you make to better fit into your new position?
  • Card 4: How can your new colleagues help you on getting settled in?
  • When to use this spread: when you start a new position

What to do after you lose your job?

This Tarot Card spread can be used after you’ve lost your job and need new ideas as to what’s next. It may be a difficult time or a time of relief, nevertheless new doors are opening for you. This Tarot Card spread is forward looking, hence the positioning of the cards. If you look closely you’ll notice that the cards in the that are most North ask questions about the future. They basically guide your new journey and help you reach greater heights.

  • Which cards to use: the Minor Arcana and Tens
  • Shuffle the deck; pick a  card; lay it face down and assign a question
  • Card 1: Are considering every possible avenue, when you look for a new job?
  • Card 2: Would you do something completely different than your previous job?
  • Card 3: Would you like to live in another city or perhaps another country?
  • Card 4: How much are you willing to reconnect or expand your network to get job offers?
  • Card 5: Do want a more challenging role or a rather comfortable role?
  • Card 6: What energy of yours should you channel during this time?
  • When to use this spread: whenever you’re in between jobs

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