What the Age of Aquarius is & How it'll affect us
Meaning and Beginning of the Age of Aquarius

What will the Age of Aquarius bring?
According to astrological beliefs, the Age of Aquarius is associated with qualities such as innovation, progress, and humanitarianism. Some people believe that this era will bring about a new era of social justice, peace, and equality. Others think that it will bring about new spiritual and intellectual discoveries, and a greater emphasis on individual freedom and expression.
We strongly believe that the Age of Aquarius will bring about a time of much need renewal and transformation. Our world as we know it is facing a lot of challenges (social, economic, climate to name a few).
To solve these issues and to escape these worldly problems. We’ll have to pivot and change.
By harnessing the power of Aquarius’ innovation and humanitarianism we can face these issues.
What is the Age of Aquarius?
The Age of Aquarius is a 2160-year period in which the qualities of Aquarius will have major influence on us. This 2160-year period is calculated by dividing a Great Year through the 12 Zodiac Signs. The Great Year is a 25.920-year precession, in which the equinoxes make a full cycle around the ecliptic. So, to arrive at the Age of a Zodiac Sign, you first must calculate the duration of each Sign’s Age (25.920 years/12 Zodiac Signs= 2160 years per Zodiac Sign).
As a lot of us know the Earth rotates around the Sun, this takes 365 days, which makes a full year or 366 days, which forms a leap year. As the Earth rotates around the Sun, it passes through the ecliptic and then through the 12 Zodiac Signs. But before Earth does this it changes angles, and positions in relation to the Sun continuously, this is referred to as the precession of equinoxes. This cycle takes about 26.000 years, which equates to a Great Year.
Now that the Earth has wobbled on its way into close proximity of the Zodiac Sign Aquarius, many consider the Age of Aquarius to be upon us.
When does the Age of Aquarius arrive?
The point at which a new Age starts is called the vernal equinox point. So, when looking at the start of the Age of Aquarius, we need to look for the position of the vernal equinox. The vernal equinox is based on the position of the Sun in our sky. The vernal equinox is the point where Sun’s path crosses the celestial equator (the line that divides the sky into the northern half and the southern half).
Many astrologers have different interpretations of when the Age of Aquarius will start exactly. Because there are also different interpretations of when the Age of Pisces (the Age before the Age of Aquarius) started and ended. Some put the beginning of the Age of Aquarius at the end of World War 2 and others interpret the beginning as an event in the 21st-century. Because there are huge time periods involved such as 2.160 years, it is quite easy to get different interpretations.
The Age of Aquarius started in 2012
One interpretation according to EarthSky is that the Age of Aquarius began in 2012. It is believed that the star Relugus of the constellation Leo the Lion, moved 30 degrees within the September equinox point in 2012. Regulus left the sign Leo to enter the sign Virgo, and after doing the math the border of Pisces and Aquarius is 150 degrees west of Regulus, at the March equinox. This means that the Age of Aquarius should have started in 2012.
Some notable interpretations of the beginning of the Age of Aquarius
Rudolf Steiner an Austrian occultist, social reformer and architect believes that the Age of Aquarius will start in 3573. In his approach he takes into account that the length of an Age is 2,160 years and that the Age of Pisces started in 1413. According to his interpretation we’re still in the Age of Pisces, as this article is written in 2022.
Nicholas Campion believes that the Age of Aquarius started in the 20th century. Nicholas is an esteemed astrologer and wrote about astrology for the Daily Mail. He was also a professor at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, where he lectured about cultural astronomy and astrology.
The last interpretation we can take into consideration is that of Samael Aun Weor, he states the Age of Aquarius started on 4 february, 1962. He was an author of over 60 books about esoteric spirituality as well as being a spiritual teacher.
DIY: Interpreting the beginning of the Age of Aquarius
How will the Age of Aquarius affect us?
The Age of Aquarius should bring us multiple advancements in society, science, and wealth. The sign of Aquarius is known for qualities such as innovation, progression, revolutions, and humanitarianism. The coming 2,160 years ahead of us (which we’re already in), should make our societies as well as our planet Earth more tolerant and livable respectively.
The Age of Aquarius should bring progressions in social and economic equality. Better living conditions and a cleaner mother Earth.
How will the Age of Aquarius fix our ongoing crises?
Aquarius possesses the quality of progression and innovation, which will help guide us out of current crises. Progression will be made to achieve better equality between the sexes and races. Innovation will also be needed to solve our climate related issues in this case we may already be on our way. Some countries around the world have pledged to ban CO2 emitting vehicles and opt out for more sustainable substitutes. There is also a surge in fostering more green energy, through major infrastructure projects and energy alternatives. Aquarius also possesses the quality of humanitarianism, which will be necessary to help even the poorest people and countries out of the crises that are to come. Not every country around the world will have the ability to brace for the turmoil. It is then necessary that more developed nations give out a helping hand during these tough times. Some developing nations have also pledged funds to stimulate innovation in renewable energy and sustainable living, for developing nations.
The role of humans during the Age of Aquarius
The role we play as humans during the Age of Aquarius will also be important, for the following reason. The qualities of the Age of Aquarius should be seen as an end goal. So this makes the end goal innovation, progression, revolution and humanitarianism to solve our worldly problems. To solve these problems you need instruments, we as people are the instruments. We’re already busy with switching to electric cars and using paper straws for example. If this trend keeps going forward, the Age of Aquarius may be the dusk of a better world.