Harris C.

Harris read his first astrology book at age 17, which was about 5 years ago. During this time, my horizon and interest in astrology only took off. Today I try to bring this knowledge to others, through my writing at Astrologicalways.com

The Meaning of your Midheaven (“MC”) & its influence on your Career

The Meaning of your Midheaven & its influence on your Career         Table of Contents What’s the Midheaven? How you can find your Midheaven What your Midheaven reveals about you: Your Career & Public Standing (because of the 10th House’s ruling) Your charitable contributions & Your Activism What’s the Midheaven in your birth …

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The Meaning of your Descendant Sign & its Influence on your Love Life

The Meaning of Descendant Signs & its Influence on your Relationships Table of Contents What’s a Descendant Sign? The Relationship between your Ascendant & Descendant Sign Where you can find your Descendant Sign How your Descendant Sign influences your Love Life & Partnerships: How you Descendant Sign dictates who you date How your Descendant Sign governs …

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What do Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable Signs mean?

The Meaning of Quadruplicities in Astrology Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable Signs           Table of Contents What are Quadruplicties in Astrology? What do Quadruplicities tell about someone? Cardinal Signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn Fixed Signs — Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius Mutable Signs — Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces What are Quadruplicities in Astrology? Quadruplicities are 3 groups comprised of 4 Zodiac Signs, that belong to the same quality. Quadruplicity …

What do Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable Signs mean? Read More »

What are Polarities in Astrology?

What are Polarities in Astrology? Positive and Negative Signs explained       Table of Contents         What do Polarities mean?         Which Zodiac Signs form a Polarity? Aries & Libra form a Polarity Taurus & Scorpio form a Polarity Gemini & Sagittarius form a Polarity Cancer & Capricorn form a …

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What do Astrological Elements mean? — Fire, Earth, Air & Water

The Elements of the 12 Zodiac Signs          Table of Contents What are elements in Astrology? Fire Signs (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius) Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn) Air Signs (Gemini, Libra & Aquarius) Water Signs (Caner, Scorpio & Pisces) What are Elements in Astrology? Elements  also known as Triplicities, provide a …

What do Astrological Elements mean? — Fire, Earth, Air & Water Read More »

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